Theatical Improvisation Match


Match, Longform, Jazz theater, rhyming improvisation, freestyle rap, commedia dell'Arte, comic monologue and stand up comedy with Francesco Burroni and Silvia Priscilla Bruni

Improvising is the most natural thing we do every day but improvisation can also become an art, as happened with jazz. In this workshop we will learn the techniques for improvising live on stage, the basic theatrical techniques, the art of knowing how to tell stories with an imprint, the ability to know how to listen to others to build together a new show that is original and unrepeatable each time. We will also create improvisation teams to meet improvisers from other Italian and foreign cities and become part of the national and international network of the Theater Improvisation Match, the most represented show in the world.

Cost: €50 (€45 for student)
​Tuesday 8.30 pm -10.30 pm
​Via E.S. Piccolomini, 52-54, Siena




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